Organic Farm

You can find our ingredients here

It is an organic farm with bio products, like vegetables, fruits, wheat. All of our products are fresh and the farm protects the environment, contribute to a solidary agriculture, raise the economic situation of the Ile de France, let consumers taste authentic and nutritional products and reduce the ecological impact with the diminution of the goods transportation. We receive our products directly from the farm and they are stocked in our local. After that when you order ingredients in your basket in our website we receive your order and our employees deliver these to you on the place you decided to eat.

We propose you some products like:

  • Cheese
  • Vegetables (Salad, Artichoke, Spinach…)
  • Fruits (Tomatoes, Strawberries, Raspberries, Bananas…)
  • Quinoa, Wheat, Bio pasta, Bio rice)
  • And some more.

So now it is your turn to chose what do you like to eat for lunch. Do not worry everything is bio.


A New Concept

An innovative lunch box concept with every bio ingredients inside the box to make our own salad. It is for people who want to eat a real lunch when they are at the office (or somewhere else) insteyad of a traditional sandwich. The box contains fresh and bio products that ou can choseĀ  on the online site and next to this the box is delivered where we want. The customer just has to prepare its salad on the way he wants to eat it.

It is an innovative way to eat more healthy and to improve our life condition. We can chose the ingredients we want in our salad and prepare it very easily. You juste have to order your basket in our website and it will be delivered at the adress of your choice 30mn after.

So join us and prepare your first order to eat more freshly tomorrow !

Veganomicon_Caesar Salad with Roasted Garlic Croutons (3)